Why is mlbb matchmaking so bad. This would be an excuse if matchmaking wasn't bullshit. Why is mlbb matchmaking so bad

This would be an excuse if matchmaking wasn't bullshitWhy is mlbb matchmaking so bad  Moonton knew its core demographic to be mostly casuals and have low spec phones

You. Discuss. Personally I play both console and mobile both so i don’t really care too much as long as I’m having fun. Took time and real effort. So this is purely my opinion and there’s. Yesterday, I made post asking why terrible players win so much. This is one of the main problems of using an ELO system in a team-based game. That was the reason so many players quit MLBB. But the moment you hit a bad patch, you start to question yourself whether you are actually good, and when your confidence shakes, it shows in your play style and you might perform even more poorly. Basically, it's not (in my opinion at least). i think there is something really wrong with the. Idk I think MLBB is better in most of the cases compared with any other MOBA game on mobile but in my opinion you should consider arena of valor as a person who has tried. Edit: (UPDATE 5 days after my post) After taking back my credit score. Make it so that Mythics are only matched with Mythics. The rank system is used in matchmaking to ensure that all players played equally and fairly. Warrior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend, and Mythic (Mythical Honor and Mythical Glory) are the seven ranks in Mobile Legends: Bang. By having a really balance MOBA is not good when the matchmaking is really bad. I went from a Gold III Division II to a Silver III Division III because of these terrible teammates. . 216. matchmaking in a team game will always and let me repeat always be unfair I don't know, man. Reached legend as a support main in soloq last season because I like Estes, rafa, and mino which I feel for the games I got is good. Huge respect for your love of the game! Solo queue tries so much to balance the game that it would make the game harder for good players to play at the current rank. For you to reset your win rate, you need to undergo the process of "win rate reset" by clearing your history with AI matches. Moonton recently posted on their social media accounts, how the Mobile Legends Matchmaking System works. 1 super good player carrying 4 bad players is less likely to win than a team with 5 average players helping each other. Matchmaking is shit . It's nobody's fault that the team isn't capable of communicating with each other properly, and even the best players can play badly if they're not in synch with their. That guy doesn't belong in mythic. Furthermore, MLBB has a matchmaking system that pairs players with opponents of similar skill levels. 30 minutes, is very not just "a while" wtf lmao. for example shinmentakezo. That's why I find using heroes that have early function and don't required to much farm in mid-lane the best kind for solo queue. Find out the squad they built is. Doesn't seem unfair to me. There are also exceptionally good players. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game designed for mobile phones. I have contacted some officials on MLBB's official discord, but non of them have gotten back to me. Each player can control a selectable character, called a Hero, with unique abilities and traits. Match people based on overall KDA. From my experience things that makes games one sided is: bad lineups, inexperienced team mates (either have a low win rate or they chose a hero they don't master), toxic. [deleted] • 2 yr. Players earn or lose stars if they win or lose in this mode. This would be an excuse if matchmaking wasn't bullshit. either on a losing streak or winning streak. Matchmaking in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a great concern for players, and as part of Operation Attention, Moonton has made improvements to this game feature. I don't know what is happening with my matchmaking. While it is generally accepted that the intent of this is to improve the Boostee's MMR, any ranked game played by someone that is not the original creator of the account. I’m Done w/ MLBB MatchMaking Me w/ Trolls Every Single Match of Every Single Hour & Day 👋🏼 Trash Game. When people bring this up as an issue, I think of other team-based games such as Overwatch, Smite, R6, LoL etc. Answer (1 of 22): Before I answer the question, let me say that I may write a lot of additional information in my answer, thus please bear with me. Not a lot of us have patience for 30 minute matches. A 47 wr player shouldn't be able to reach mythic. On top of the new and improved role-based matchmaking system, the devs also made slight adjustments for the matchmaking algorithm for the Warrior, Elite, and Mythic ranks. he got falling down too from diamond iii to emerald iv. Even the punishment method. What the fuck . so instead they will match you up against higher elo players that are usually high rank than you,but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are betterI hear the devs look here which is only reason why i am posting. 131. Just reset, and take a short break, and play some classic to regain your confidence before you go again. Because I think they use VPN and lag in every other server. . Be me, a MLB noob . They should either fix the goddamn matchmaking or add another rank, or just completely remove star protection points. ago. Another reason is, if you do abandon the season only to come back at the end and. In ML, unless they are intentionally feeding. I don’t how the matchmaking system at Moonton works, but this has got to be too much. Yes, matching ppl based on mmr might make sense on the surface level, but too many factors affect this. 119. Also, I don’t get paid by Moonton to write this. :) Reply AnimeTiddies91. matchmaking in a team game will always and let me repeat always be unfair I don't know, man. Answer (1 of 28): I just uninstalled mine today because of their unfair matchmaking which is one of the biggest issue in this game. Moonton knew its core demographic to be mostly casuals and have low spec phones. MLBB's trash matchmaking algorithm, this happens all the time,not just one or two. It is so unbalanced even though Moontoon. Multiple fights take place here in every game and of course, that is part of the reason why Tencent made it a TDM map. The quality of matchmaking is horrible, there's a reason most people have like 50% wr. Matchup against all diamonds . Habits are hard to forgot so the best you can do is read everything in the map. . I'm sick and tired of this retarded matchmaking. Matchmaking is purposefully bad to increase the time that people spend in the game . so rather than saying how unfair matching is which is obvious If it's that obvious then why don't the developers try and FIX it?Please moonton, fix mlbb's match making. In any case, I have nothing really else to. This ensures that new players are not overwhelmed by more experienced players who have been. My main point here is that matchmaking isn't "rigged", per se, but it suffers from bad players being boosted through the ranks by good players. But if you follow the meta closely, tanks can jungle, assassin can roam, fighters can tank, some mm can go mid and some mages can go exp. I keep getting matched with 49 wr players who haven't seen more than 120 points in theirs life. Start up Events to try something new . Second, the fast paced style of play. Example: you’d have lower mmr if. It's done in purpose. The reason why it became really popular in Southeast Asia is because of how expensive gaming pc and how cheap android phones are thus making Mlbb accessible. Game is the worst matchmaking and playerbase. I think I'm being paired with low credit score players as well. i from emerald iii got falling down so hard to gold ii just in 2 days. I'm hard stuck at 320 points. Due to the current situation, Myanmar players may be quite bad at the moment. Even the prize pool of MPL MM is already stolen. Idiots matchmaking system. Having no lobby roles means MLBB want us to keep making interesting comps especially with so many heroes being meta since most of them got rework. See the difference is mobile legend players accept that their matchmaking is garbage. i kinda felt bad for my self and other 4 people with me who had to suffer like this. On top of that, I keep getting. which is sad. i dont know. The matchmaking system for classic and ranked basically assures players a winrate within set boundaries which are as follows: 40-50% for relatively bad players (for their rank). They intentionally rework tanks so they can jungle effectively. The devs are hoping to reduce the queue times for each match so players can jump into a new game as soon as possible. When matchmaking matches with those of same rank, people hate waiting for a while. Read this article to know how fair it actually is. Doesnt make sense that they would rather look here than r/mobilelegends considering it has at least 3 times the traffic (which i can prove if you dont believe me) . Matchmaking is not bad at all. The MLBB Matchmaking System obviously do not match players based on their relative skill level (which is stated earlier) but rather on the current win rate they have. Its just I could not even have consecutive wins but I had consecutive losses due to afk players, players who were trolling on rank games and other toxic and negative behaviors that affected the match resulted to defeat not once but. Everyone knows that all of Burmese Ghouls members aren't playing now. . yes but we had 1h queue (and gave up) tonight, that's not "awhile" that's more than awhile. I don't understand why I can never get paired with a good team. anyways if you want to keep your players, who are MOSTLY SOLO QUE PLAYERS, you need to look at your matchmaking so. See more posts like this in r/MobileLegendsGameMatch making is so garbage, always end up with trash team that doesn't push, i always end up getting 50-80% turret damage. Hi, do you even wonder sometimes that mlbb doesnt want you to reach higher rank when playing solo queue? I dont know. but if you even mention the matchmaking in the wr subreddit you'll get a bunch of comments saying "git gud", "learn to carry", or "if. r/MobileLegendsGame. He probably didn't adjust for his team. moontoon has to fix it's match making system so that it would be fair for both of the team. Make it so that Mythics are only matched with Mythics. I know it's low ELO but I have to say the matchmaking and playerbase is the absolute worst between wild rift, arena of Valor, and this. ago. People from the west don't really have a reason to play since they have their consoles/gaming pcs. I am fine with the loss, but the fact that a situation like this can happen in a 6-year old game that is constantly being updated is just, disappointing. 2. Most players have a certain habit, teammates and enemies alike. This is gonna be long and quite ranty so proceed at your leasure. First, MLBB has been successful for way longer and people have invested a lot into the game. 316. Bro, MLBB matchmaking is perfect. Mobile Legends (ML) players very often face high ping issue in-game. Oh they make my squad for me, that's nice . Of course it's his fault. The update of PUBG this time revealed a new map for TDM mode: Ruins, recognized by the name, it was picked from one of the most popular loot locations in Sanhok. but i always keep losing than winning. Feel so bad for Kairi - looking so dejected after being swept by RRQ. I'm just really sad right now. The matchmaking is bad indeed. MLBB will intentionally match you up badly if you have a good streak . Every time i play an online ranked match, I'm teamed with the worst teammates imagianable, while the other team is either really good or is my skill level. Play a match . • 1 mo. 8. So far the only solution I have found for this problem is deleting and reinstalling my game, but this takes a ton of time because of the size of the game, and it's not very efficient because it only lasts for a few days. Ranked is a competitive queue for a game that is normally played. Moonton. MMR Boosting (Match Making Rating, also known as Elo Boosting) is an act where a player (The Booster) logs into another player's account (The Boostee) to play a ranked game. Doesn't seem unfair to me then. There are six roles that define the main. And 50-60% for relatively good players. At that time only a single Warehouse map was. This is a large part of what makes matchmaking in ML bad, and even Moonton has said in the past that they prefer having shorter queues. I think the reason as to why mlbb is so different is because of the fact that it differs way to much than most MOBA games. The answer, of course, is that they're teamed up. Here's our guide to fix high ping issue in Mobile Legends & play lag free games. This is selfish. Why do we get paired with brain-dead people and can't rank up? So that you wouldn't abandon the whole season after reaching mythic glory in the first few weeks of the season reset. My opinion on why "matchmaking is bad". if you are on a 5 man team they are unable to put in bad players in your teams since you know,your team is full . I couldn't describe my emotions. Start playing . many streamers that i know had same issue. When matchmaking is fast, people hate being matched with those in lower ranks. The game is free-to-play and is only monetized through in-game purchases like characters and skins. Second is the history of MLBB. This is superb work. I know the matchmaking system is trash in some. RELATED: Mobile Legends Skins: 7. 8. Maybe he sucks . I think my matchmaking was really bad due to having a low credit score. Let's move on to my second point about why matchmaking is terrible for solo players. What all of these games have in common (other than being non-mobile games of course) is the fact they have excellent built-in communication tools. Completely destroys the morale of the team and ruins our mood. Join. In mlbb, there is much more emphasis on rewarding players for learning a new hero, especially if they are op. I've literally been playing for 6 hrs straight and ended up with 1 win and a lower rank. Much more content in YT and reddit as well. A_Very_Burnt_Steak. Ranking Up is Impossible Like This 🚮.