the manager will be out of town weegy. Single quotation mark D. the manager will be out of town weegy

 Single quotation mark Dthe manager will be out of town weegy  Rating

The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. A. The guide and narrator for the play Our Town is: The stage manager. Single quotation mark C. Weegy: Coordinating plans and determining resource needs, Collecting, analyzing, and sharing information, Providing. Select all that apply. Single quotation mark B. Updated 10/30/2017 7:01:25 PM. After he does this, he finds out that people loved the food, but the service has been driving people away. A. Rating. A. He is the one who tells the audience the events in Emily's life. A. Score 1 User: Select the appropriate word to complete the following sentence. We first learn from the Stage Manager that Emily is the one who is being buried in Our Town. User: Which one of the following words may be either a subject or an object. Added 40 days ago|11/25/2022 8:40:52 AM. A. Comma. Single quotation mark B. Question mark The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. Score . Comma D. A. . Comments. Single quotation mark C. Weegy: "The travel agent said the ranch was ACCESSIBLE only by all-terrain vehicles. Semicolon D. Single quotation mark B. New answers. 8. Single quotation mark C. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. 1 Answer/Comment. Single quotation mark C. George Washington B. :29 AM. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. A. Questions asked by. Wilder presented exposition in Our Town through the monologue by the Stage Manager. C. Semicolon should be placed between the words town and he in the following sentence: The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. Single quotation mark. 0 Answers/Comments. they B. Question mark C. grow for two years. There are no new answers. Semicolon Weegy: The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. User: In which one of these sentences is a prefix used in an italicized. A. A. Log in or sign up first. Weegy: A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. A SEMICOLON should be placed between the words town and he. Question mark B. A Semicolon should be placed. Comma D. 8. 1 Answer/Comment. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday (a) comma (b) question mark (c) semicolon (d) single quotation mark. Comma. TRUE. Question|Asked by gloomed. There are no new answers. There are no comments. Question mark C. The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a ______. Question markThe manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. Semicolon C. Question mark C. Semicolon C. Weegy: If an astronaut has a mass of 80 kilograms on earth, [ the force of gravity on their body be on the moon will. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. Question mark C. Weegy: The words disclosure and concealment are antonyms. Comma D. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. f. Semicolon B. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. theme climax monologue resolution Weegy: The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a monologue. A. Semicolon D. Asked 12/3/2018 9:56:30 PM. Single quotation mark B. EverymanSearch for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: Please indicate the question clearly. a linking sentence. Updated 8/5/2019 5:23:29 PM. 1 Answer/Comment. A. I was sleeping soundly when the doorbell rang. a topic sentence. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. New answers. User: The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a _____. Semicolon. TRUE. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday (a) comma (b) question mark (c) semicolon (d) single quotation mark. Weegy: The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. Thank you. Semicolon B. User: Identify the punctuation mark that should be placed between the words town and he in the following sentence. A. Semicolon D. Score 1 User: What different functions does the Stage Manager perform in this act? Select all that apply. What's your responsibility in caring for the patient. New answers. A. Single quotation mark B. Updated 3/28/2014 2:14:05 PM. Single quotation mark B. Single quotation mark C. Single quotation mark B. Log in for more information. Expert answered|@gary V|Points 10257| User: They got up and sauntered over to where Starks. Single quotation mark B. Single quotation mark C. The guide and narrator for the play Our Town is: The stage manager. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. There are no comments. Weegy: The American artist who used bold blocks of color, stark light, and lonely, somber settings was Edward Hopper. a linking sentence. Semicolon. M. Add an answer or comment. theme, climax, monologue, resolution, Weegy: The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a monologue. Weegy: An orchestra is a large instrumental ensemble that contains sections of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Question. ) phrase that has nothing to modify in a sentence. which of the following words has a comparative adverb?The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. New answers. A. A. Weegy: Comprehensive Resource Management is the NIMS management characteristic which includes maintaining accurate and up-to-date inventories of personnel, equipment, teams, and supplies. The above-mentioned anecdote is now fun to read as the indirect speech has been converted into direct speech: The startled waiter looked hard at the customer who had just ordered one rubbery egg and two slices of burnt toast for breakfast and asked him, "Why. MichellDonovan. Weegy: The type of sentence that can introduce, limit, and focus the main idea in a paragraph is a topic sentence. There are no new answers. MichellDonovan. A. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed;. New answers. Comma C. New answers. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. User: Identify the punctuation mark that should be placed between the words town and he in the following sentence. MichellDonovan. User: Unlike perennials, annuals A. Expert answered|@gary V|Points 10257| User: They got up and sauntered over to where Starks. Expert Answered. The supply of clothes, at each price level, will decrease to a new. The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. A. Score . theme climax monologue resolution Weegy: The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a monologue. Add an answer. theme climax monologue resolution Weegy: The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a monologue. Question. User: The series of events that make up the actual story of a play is its _____. 8. topic. Updated 8/31/2021 1:26:37 AM. A. Single quotation mark The manager will be out of town he won't be back until Monday. A Semicolon should be placed between the words town and he. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Comma D. Comma D. Rating. Single quotation mark C. by jeifunk [3/5/2017 11:39:13 PM], Edited by jeifunk [3/5/2017 11:39:15 PM] f. Andrew. Question mark D. Add an answer or comment. Question mark D. theme climax monologue resolution Weegy: The Stage Manager's long speech at the beginning of Our Town is an example of a monologue. Asked 10/30/2017 11:28:04 AM. Rating. 8. Question mark C. Forced to leave a town or city, usually due to one's indiscretions or misdeeds.