Big dave44. 17a After protest, process post in Euston maybe (7,7) RAILWAY STATION: Link together protest or scoff, process or procedure, and post or standing. Big dave44

17a After protest, process post in Euston maybe (7,7) RAILWAY STATION: Link together protest or scoff, process or procedure, and post or standingBig dave44  Very tough to get started – but once into it, it had some very clever clues

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29634 A full review by Big Dave + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + This puzzle was published on 27 th March 2021 . Don’t think of policemen. Add a crime against morality. After looking around, I decided to get a bagel with lox. . The guide also. Brendan says: December 19, 2013 at 8:45 pm. Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28946 A full review by gnomethang + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + BD Rating - Difficulty ** - Enjoyment /* Kia ora from Aotearoa. 25d Wayfarer with small number on loco (5) NOMAD: Abbreviation of the word number. DJ BIG DAVE. I needed your hint for 14d in order to finsh this today By the. 5d Made tough new deal under queen (8) ANNEALED : An early 18th century queen is followed by an anagram (new) of DEAL. Really liked the well hidden anagram for 7d and big hurrah for 20d. Posted on July 21, 2023 Posted in Crosswords, DT Cryptic. 5a Harry pours me big shot (7) SUPREMO: An anagram (harry, as in disturb) of POURS ME . For a change, it is one of those Saturdays where…3d Temptation — eating last of garlic bread (5) LUCRE: a temptation around the final letter (last) of [garli]C. The Blog’s 14th Birthday. by Big Dave . Needed Big Dave’s help with the parsing of quite a few so a * Kia ora from Aotearoa. 3d Reference sees head replaced by company complicity (9) COLLUSION : Start with a. DaveG says: April 23, 2022 at 1:48 pm. Thanks to Jay and Stephen L for holding the fort for the Kiwis. jane says: January 20, 2023 at 11:36 am. 28a Recover strength for meeting in common cause (5) RALLY : A double definition. The next day, my husband stopped in for a roast beef & salami on a bagel - the thing was huge and we shared it. 5d Divergent routes socialist took (9) TROUSERED An anagram (divergent) of ROUTES followed by the colour associated with socialism. 19d Perkins or Lawley say to take legal action (3) SUE: A double definition, probably guessable even if you haven’t heard of the two women referred to. Aldo Struyf (Millionaire en Mark Lanegan Band) laat Creature With The Atom Brain definitief achter zich en bundelt de krachten met de Antwerpse blueszanger Dave Reniers, aka Big Dave (44 Rave. 20d Romeo over the moon and part of the family (7). GordonG273 says: August 20, 2022 at 6:57 pm. We also love the hushpuppies. Many Thanks for answers to these questions and Much Gratitude to Big Dave and his persistent assistants. 23a Comparatively rare extract from Oscar ceremony (7) SCARCER – Hidden in the clue. Many appreciative thanks to Tilsit and to all who are doing such an excellent job keeping this superb Blog running smoothly. 13d Energy to stand and make an exit (3-2-3-2) GET-UP-AND-GO: Join together "to stand", AND from the clue, and "make an exit" . The Big Dave’s BBQ, Greenville, South Carolina. 19d One scavenging rubbish by yard is near to collapse? (7) TOTTERY: A word for a scavenger, or more commonly a person adding up figures, followed by an abbreviation. Add a noun meaning a fraud. 5a Live in sin, habitually? To an extent (7) INHABIT: The answer is hidden inside (. Welcome to Big Dave’s Crossword Blog You have reached the world’s biggest and best crossword blog. I wondered, briefly, if the radio bit was indicating a homophone – it isn’t. 7d Made a fuss and responded, promoting head of. 615 likes. 7d Maybe you proclaim to need no tips for clue (7) PRONOUN: Another. 3d Fan his aunt set spinning (10) ENTHUSIAST: An anagram (spinning) of HIS AUNT SET . Welcome to the blog Sapphire. Thanks, Sloops. But the best part is the fried pickles they are delicious and crispy! We came out of here. Big Dave’s guide up there↑ is wort a read. 00am - 5. Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29888 Hints and tips by 2Kiwis BD Rating – Difficulty * Kia ora from Aotearoa. 5d Rising protest must be admitted by state, sooner or later (7) SOMEDAY: the reversal of a four-letter protest inside a verb. 22a Ring a teacher at. 27a Think, love, before American gets heavy (9) PONDEROUS : Think or mull over, the tennis score love and then the United States. Another visit from Chalicea today and…How Big is my Browser; Log in; Others; Site Map; Post navigation. 22a Ring a teacher at. Reply. Welcome to the blog Andrew. Many thanks to the Kiwis (told you the cataract op would be fine) and. Our family usually gets the popcorn shrimp, deviled crabs, calabash chicken, and flounder. 6d Jack in sober group unknown hero (4) AJAX The abbreviation for Jack in a suit of cards. 6d Flower, monster, placed under picture (10). ) Big Dave says: December 14, 2021 at 9:31 pm. 5d Awful record on the radio leads to conversation (8) DIALOGUE — concatenate two homophones, the first of a word denoting awful or dreadful and the second of a record of events; the latter homophone will likely cause no concern but many are apt to take issue with the former. The Quick crossword pun: (sin} + {till} + {late} = {scintillate} Posted on January 20, 2014 January 20, 2014 Posted in Crosswords, DT Cryptic Crosswords, Monday Tagged 27391, Answers, Crossword, Daily Telegraph, Solutions,. 18d Competitor‘s score halved, cycling, followed by tirade (7) ENTRANT: Half of a numeric score with the first letter moved to the end (cycling – a cop-out for a three letter anagram) and a synonym of tirade. CANT: The answer is a homophone (is given a hearing) based upon a philosopher who possibly said this of Big Dave’s crossword site Quickie Pun Lights + Which = Light switch Posted on October 7, 2021 October 8, 2021 Posted in Crosswords , DT Cryptic Crosswords , Thursday Tagged 29800 , Answers , Crossword , Daily Telegraph ,. 22d Student‘s large money-spinner?(7) LEARNER: L(arge) followed by a slang term for a money-spinner. Was not disappointed. Publication history. Sunday Toughie No 77 by Zandio Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + It took a while to get going last night but when the Ladies of Nashville appeared twice and energy food three times, all in the acrosses – it gave me pause to think but it slowly unfolded. Sloop John Bee says: August 19, 2022 at 8:28 pm. BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment *** Gnomey is inundated with (fee-paying) work, so I will be sharing this slot with crypticsue for the foreseeable future in order to give him a break. Hello, everyone, and welcome to Friday and a rather challenging puzzle. Reply. Salah is obligatory for adult Muslims and prayer times are set according to the movement of the Sun and performed five times a day as follows: Fajr: Dawn. Nobility and rank may well be a big issue (4,5,4) {HIGH BIRTH RATE} – A large number of new babies over a specific period, could also describe being born into nobility followed by a word meaning to grade. 26a Manage, at a later time, to set off in pursuit (3,5) RUN AFTER: A word for manage, a business perhaps, and then a word for at a later time. 1a Call to imprison a pair of bishops displaying cross (6) CRABBY: Call or exclaim containing (to imprison) A. Please feel free to comment on the review. The character was created for The Summer Offensive, an experiment in which the magazine was handed over to Millar, Morrison and John Smith for eight weeks. Big Dave first appeared in prog (the. Rabbit Dave says: February 26, 2014 at 9:59 am. by Big Dave . dave44 Posts: 19,464 AG. 25a A grand finale associated with ace programme (6) AGENDA: A from the clue followed by G(rand), a word for finale or finish and finally an A(ce). 10. Mr K says: August 21, 2022 at 1:05 am. One where the team is playing, the other in soccer where a goal. 21a Joy getting record with 100 out for run (7) RAPTURE: Record or catch with the Roman 100 replaced by (out for) the cricket. Our spell of calm, crisp, winter weather continues and we…This was a big of a struggle and the bottom RH corner resisted for a while and I was finally glad of the Two Kiwis hints for 23 & 24d. Today, we have a pangram which would suggest a continuing 'run' for Cephas but…19a Girl nerds regularly avoided (6) MISSED: A general term for girl as an unmarried female is followed by some alternate (regularly) letters. All other puzzle sites I use (Big Dave, Graun & Indy) enumerate the clue in full (3,2,3,5 & 4,5,3) at the first bit so you don’t have to scan the grid to see what’s needed & if solving online automatically highlight the squares. The Big Dave DJ Show. 24a Consider to turn back (7) REFLECT – Double definition, the second being ‘turn back’ as an image in a mirror is. 9a Creating pork pies from fish with unknown filling (5) LYING: A fish with a Y (unknown) inserted (filling). jonmyles says: September 18, 2013 at 7:55 am. 00pm. Thought 8a was a. Good to see Big Ron’s grey matter is working as well as ever. Thanks from me too. 17a After protest, process post in Euston maybe (7,7) RAILWAY STATION: Link together protest or scoff, process or procedure, and post or standing. Purchased 4 different bagels the. 18a Exciting experience after agent returned by chance (12) PERADVENTURE: An agent or salesman is reversed (returned) and followed by a word for an exciting experience. big dave44 Salah is obligatory for adult Muslims and prayer times are set according to the movement of the Sun and performed five times a day as follows: Fajr: Dawn, before sunrise. Previous Post DT 29964. The latest Tweets from Big wave dave (@Big_wave_dave44). 19d Gentleman of the road reported bitter. Big Dave (character), comics character in 2000 AD Big Dave (rapper), Australian rapper Big Dave (wrestler), one of the two members of the UK Pitbulls Big Dave, a stage name of 20th century American musician Dave Cavanaugh; Big Dave, nickname of footballer Darren Moore; Big Dave, nickname of footballer Atdhe Nuhiu; Big. 15a Men provided something cold for opening (7) Assemble the abbreviation for soldiers who aren’t officers, a conjunction meaning. Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30083 Hints) The Saturday Crossword Club (hosted by crypticsue) + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + Another sunny Saturday morning here in East Kent where we are still waiting in vain for rain. 4d Spells words (5) TERMS: Double definition. Big Dave says: December 19, 2013 at 7:05 pm. 00pm - 7. 7 hours ago · Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3222 (Hints) Hints and tips by Senf + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where we seem to be catching up with everyone else in terms of temperature and. As a consequence the first Wordle results appear on our family WhatsApp soon after 5am. 28a Subject of examination (6) TESTEE : A cryptic definition of someone being examined. This waterway is by Denmark. 14a Coin a phrase to describe an octet? (5,2,5) PIECE OF EIGHT: The answer could, taken literally, be a phrase to describe an octet . 14d Shakes tree, limb's broken and one's abandoned (8) TREMBLES: An anagram (broken) of TREE LIMB'S minus the Roman one (… and one's abandoned) . So sorry you are still out of action, Big Dave, but hope you will soon be home and feeling very much better. Putney Boy says: February 8, 2023 at 12:39 pm. Ptp says: December 18, 2021 at 11:54 am. 21a Japanese drama about a biblical character (4) NOAH: A form of Japanese drama is placed around (about) the A from the clue. I do know a chap called Carver… a big bruiser from a farming family, stands his ground and fond of a drink or three! Reply. In the hints below most indicators are italicized, and underlining identifies precise definitions and cryptic definitions. The whole Twitter thing is just fun. 20d Relying on Germany to supply core for reconditioned engine (7) NEEDING: The IVR code for Germany becomes the middle. 9a Redgrave perhaps initially receives Oscar with sign of hesitation (5) ROWER: Assemble the first letter (initially) of RECEIVES, the letter represented in the NATO phonetic alphabet by Oscar, the abbreviation for with, and a spoken sound of. Alexa Rank: #988,534: Daily Revenue: $ 5. 21d I’m finished with ordinary painting technique (7) IMPASTO: The IM from the clue followed by a word for finished or over and the an O(rdinary). We have just had our latest Covid booster jabs. Discharges account and leaves (7) {ACQUITS} – AC (account) followed by a word for departs or gives up. Down. One stop shop App. + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +. KATTEGAT: A reversal (for turning up) of a 3-letter word for receive plus an abbreviation for a thousand outside (extra, as a preposition, see Chambers) a short word for thanks, plus AT from the clue. Welcome to the blog Bob. 30a One’s belt is loose, that’s. Please leave a comment telling us how you got on. If you are looking for help with the Daily and Sunday Telegraph cryptic. At first pass, I thought I was going to 1a in my attempt at this crossword, but finally got going in the NE and everything came together. 1. Toughie No 3026 by Hudson Hints and Tips by crypticsue + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + BD Rating – Toughie Difficulty */** – Enjoyment /* - Enjoyment – Enjoyment Another. Down . Lots of others…18a Exciting experience after agent returned by chance (12) PERADVENTURE: An agent or salesman is reversed (returned) and followed by a word for an exciting experience. 20d Lots devoured by plump teenager (7) UMPTEEN — the second lurker today, this one hiding in the final two words of the clue. Big Dave says: April 24, 2022 at 12:00 pm. Aka The New Stuff Show 'Follow-Me' to get live notifications . Clicking on the answer buttons will reveal the answers. Sloop John Bee says: April 24, 2022 at 12:26 pm. You couldn’t make this up! ‘Heavy-handed’ police ban grandmother from making cheese wheel for famous Gloucester cheese rolling downhill chase. View closed comments DT 29965. I thought this was a superb crossword. We enjoyed the RayT-like innuendo in 9d and there is an excruciatingly groan-worthy pun in the Quick Crossword to enjoy too. Thanks, Scchua, I agree with your rating of 2*/3*. 21a Check with pilot’s spokesperson (8) CHAIRMAN: A two-letter shortening of check and another term for a pilot or aviator. People switching sides, getting all mad at what they use to consider private company’s ability to dictate usage has all of a sudden turned into, no one dude should have the power to censor or “uncensor” people. Big Dave set up this blog in January 2009 blogging first the Toughie Crossword and soon after the other Telegraph Cryptic Crosswords. 23a Instruments, loud instruments (6) FLUTES: The letter that represents. by. weber houseBig Dave is a comics character created and written by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar, with artwork by Steve Parkhouse, for 2000 AD. parody of the real david weber keep it real bro. Continue reading. 5d Catches up with a chapter on American slave (9) SPARTACUS: Concatenate the reversal (up, in a down clue) of catches or nets, A from the clue, an abbreviation for. Big Dave says: September 18, 2013 at 8:21 am. Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29945 Hints) The Saturday Crossword Club (hosted by Tilsit) + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + Good morning from sunny Warrington, where the tree in our front garden has regained its foliage in the last seven days. to an extent) the remainder of the clue . 15d Colleagues-- excellent people -- swallowing old whiskey (2-7) CO-WORKERS: An informal (British) word for some excellent people containing (swallowing) both the single letter for old and the letter. 00: Daily visitors: 879Explore Bigdave44's (@bigdave44) posts on Pholder | See more posts from u/bigdave44 about Thrift Store Hauls, Suns and Flamepoints4d Unknown poem has line to sing (5) YODEL: A mathematical unknown is followed by a short poem and the abbreviation for line 5d State Swiss banks neglected fraud crime (9) WISCONSIN: Remove the outer letters of the word sWISs. It has become an institution in its own right with over 68,249,810 page views and a dedicated community of readers and bloggers. 6d Top 40 on the radio (5) EXCEL: Spoken quickly. 27a Polish were fine men, though not entirely (10). 21a Japanese drama about a biblical character (4) NOAH: A form of Japanese drama is placed around (about) the A from the clue. Weekly - Wednesdays : 5. You beat me to it, I was going to say their duties are a lot more involved than secretarial work, and many bosses would be lost without them. About the Blog + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + For information about the blog, please select the appropriate button below:Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29975 (Hints) The Saturday Crossword Club Hosted by Senf + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + Hello, it's me again. Very tough to get started – but once into it, it had some very clever clues. 6d Seabirds like gathering in this country (4) AUKS: A synonym of “like” containing (gathering) the abbreviation for “this country” for the majority of blog readers . 11. 6d was a new approach to an old favourite. A few hints to get you started: Continue reading. 1d Performing team not anticipating referee’s whist le? (6) Two sporting definitions. As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints. This certainly felt like a Jay Wednesday puzzle to us. Down. Real Texas style bbq!17d Cover group of corporate bigwigs on the rise (5,2) BOARD UP: Collectively, perhaps directors sitting around a long table, plus a synonym of ‘on the rise’ or elevated. Big Dunc says: January 22, 2023 at 10:39 am. Since that time the blog has grown well beyond Dave’s initial expectations. Longish spells at school, perhaps . 4d Dogs needing change of lead and restraints (7) FETTERS: start with some dogs and change the initial letter (lead). 12a Air support on course to cover Matthew and son (8) The support thingy on a golf course that’s so useful to crossword setters contains an alternative name for the apostle Matthew and the abbreviation for son. We are experiencing the self-satisfied glow (and slightly sore arms) of the recently vaccinated. 16d Different standard adopted by parliamentary constituency on energy (8) SEPARATE: The standard that could be the expected score in golf is enclosed by a word. Very well done!This crossword stumped me and I needed Big Dave’s help on nine clues. Bob B. . I have prepared Big Dave’s Little Guide to Cryptic Crosswords to help beginners (and maybe some veterans as well) with the different types of clue and the terminology that, in general, is used on this site to describe them. We nearly had a clip of the Bergman film but YT had the answer plastered all over it.